1. Introduction

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Introduction Execution

  1. Instruction fetch → PC가 가르키고 있는 instruction을 memory로부터 읽어 옴
    1. PC → instruction memory, fetch instruction
  2. Instruction decoding and register prefetch → register를 읽음
    1. Decodes instruction → 어떤 instruction인지 해석 ⇒ op code로 파악
    2. Register number → register file, read registers
  3. depending on instruction class
    1. Use ALU to calculate
      1. Arithmetic result
      2. Memory address for load/store → memory address 계산하기 위해
      3. Branch target address → branch target address를 계산하기 위해
    2. Access data memory for load/store
    3. PC ← target address or PC + 4

1.3. CPU Overview


1.4. Multiplexers


1.5. Control


2. Logic Design Conventions

2.1. Logic Design Basics